Philosophy of Restauration Kopernikus

Twinning between Nuremberg and Krakow
Twinning has connected people of different nationalities for centuries. Since the end of the last world war, this form of cultural and intellectual exchange between cities has played a crucial role in understanding and reconciliation between people. A special significance lies in the partnership between the German and Polish cities, Nuremberg and Krakow since 1979. This partnership agreement reinstated a centuries-old tradition between the two cities which had existed since the Middle Ages. This relationship is considered a model for other citiy partnerships between Germany and Poland.
The municipalities of Nuremberg and Krakow developed an unusual idea for that time. To promote cooperation, it was decided to establish partnerships worldwide. The city of Nuremberg established a Nuremberg House in Kraków's Kazimierz district,. Since 1996 the sister city Krakow has operated the former tower of the old town of Nuremberg Tratzenzwinger in the Krakow House. This is an economic and cultural representation of the city of Krakow. The Krakow House, which is also popularly known as the Krakow Tower is so far the only institution of Krakow outside Poland.
The ruined tower
Erected in 1540, Wehrturm Tratzenzwinger belonged to a medieval bastion system and was once a part of the city wall. It was destroyed during World War II. Developed in cooperation with the City of Krakow, Nuremberg architects planned for the reconstruction of the tower. The city of Nuremberg led the renovation and transformation, much of which was funded with sponsors like Mr. Kurt Klutentreter.
On 8 November 1995, Kraków House was formally opened by the Nuremberg City Council in the presence of Prof. Władysław Bartoszewski, the Polish Foreign Minister of that time. Officially, the house was opened on 8 June 1996.
Culinary message: Restauration Kopernikus
The Krakow House embraces not only the "cultural message" of Krakow, but with its restoration, Kopernikus has also become a "culinary embassy" for Polish and Franconian specialties, which are united together via the restaurant's menu. The famous astronomer Nikolaus Kopernikus is the patron of the restoration and is the historical personality linking the two cities. The forerunner of the heliocentric world view was one of the most famous students of the University of Krakow, the second oldest university in Central Europe.
In 1543, shortly before his death, Kopernikus published his main work "De revolutionibus Orbium Coelestium" in Nuremberg. Like no other he embodies a personality who is revered by both German and Polish sides alike, and thus he became the cultural and historical link between the two peoples. It was only natural to crown the restoration of the meeting house with the name of the man without whose work at the turn to modern times, the sun would have taken perhaps a little "longer" to rotate around the earth.
Just as the Krakow House in Nuremberg and the Nuremberg House in Krakow connect the citizens of both cities, the connection between Franconian food and Polish cuisine is the culinary equivalent of the Restauration Kopernikus German-Polish meeting in Krakow house.